You can now create your very own whop right here on Whop. Whops are amazing modular hubs that allow creators to provide all types of content, from courses to community-building modules like chat rooms.

Another way that you can use your whop is to share content. This is an especially important feature, as when creating a service, it’s important to make it accessible by creating informational and introductory documents, and the Content app will allow you to do just that.

In this guide, we’re going to look at what Whop apps are, what the Content app is, how you can use it, and everything you can do with it to improve your whop.

What's the difference between Whop and whop?

Well, 'Whop' is us, the social commerce platform for selling online.

A 'whop' is your own online hub, the space for your business and community

What are whop Apps?

To understand what a whop app is, you should first know what a whop is. A whop is a hub where you can add different modules (called apps) to create and provide content to people on the internet. Owners of a whop can create courses, forums, chat rooms, and more.

Of course, when we say people on the internet, we don’t mean everyone can access your whop and content in it for free - it’s up to you if you want to paywall the entirety of your whop or content in it. Apps allow you to create content, and you can add as many apps as you want to your whop. One of the most popular apps on Whop is the Content app.

The Whop Content App What it's Used For

You can think of the Content app as a Google Doc. It’s a free-form text app that allows you to write down content with formatting. You can add text, images, videos, links, tables, and files to your Content app. There are a lot of uses for the Content app. Let’s examine a few to give you some ideas and inspiration:

  • Welcome Page: You can use the Content app as a start here welcome page to help your users learn and navigate through your whop. You can detail what your whop is about, what apps are in it, how users can use them, what products you have in your whop, and how users can get access to each app. Having a welcome page that shares information with your users will be extremely helpful in increasing the accessibility and retention of your whop. The easier users understand your whop, the more they will use it.
  • Rules and Guidelines: Documenting your whop’s rules and guidelines will help you direct your users in the right direction. This can be especially useful if you’re looking to create a community in your whop using apps like Chat and Forum. Since every community needs its own guidelines, you can set yours’ up using the Content app.
  • Documentation: We mentioned how important it is to make your users understand how your whop operates. Using the Content app to create detailed documentation of your whop can help your users utilize every part of your whop much more easily. Imagine skipping the tutorial of a game and jumping straight into action. This might seem fun, but it will surely make your experience a bit harder. Having documentation in your whop will help your users find their way through it.

Of course, the Content app isn’t for just the examples above - you can create all kinds of content: tutorials, guides, a blog, or the super secret recipe of your great great grandmother’s chili sauce and sell access to it. Think of the Content app as a document - you can write down everything that you think might be helpful to your users, have value, or more. 

How to Add the Content App to Your whop and Use It

Adding apps to your whop is a very simple process. All you have to do is to click the Add apps button under the Admin Area to navigate into the whop apps section and click the Add app button of the Content app. Once you click the Add app button, you’ll be directed to the Set up section of the Content app.


After adding the Content app to your whop, you might want to change the app’s icon and name, and you surely can. Clicking on the kebab icon (three dots) will display the context menu of the app where you can hide the app, rename it, get its link, mark it as read, change its icon, and delete the app.

Fun fact: You can use emojis or custom images for the app icon.
The app context menu on a whop

Just like any other whop app, there are three tabs of the Content app: Set up, Preview as user, and Access, which can be found at the top of your screen.

Tab #1: Set up

The Set up tab is where you will fill out the Content app. Whether you want to use it as a welcome page or content that you will paywall, you are going to fill it out in this tab. The Content app works just like a Google Doc - you can type plain texts, add titles, codeblocks, and much more. When you highlight a text, you’ll see a formatting menu popping up - clicking those icons will format your text.

Let’s go over each formatting method, starting from the leftmost one:

  • Paragraph (T): You can select whether the highlighted text is a regular text, a Heading 1, 2, or 3.
  • Bold (B): Clicking the bold button will make your text bold.
  • Italic (I): Clicking the italic button will make your text italic.
  • Underline (U): Clicking the underline button will make your text underlined.
  • Strikethrough (S): Clicking the strikethrough button will strike your text.
  • Link (chain icon): Clicking the link button will display a browser dialogue, which allows you to make the highlighted text a hyperlink.
  • Numbered list (numbered list icon): Clicking the numbered list button will transform the highlighted text into a numbered list. You can expand the list by entering a new line, and adding two new lines will end the list. You can select multiple lines of text and make them a numbered list.
  • Bullet list (bullet list icon): Clicking the bullet list button will transform the highlighted text into a bullet list. You can expand the list by entering a new line, and adding two new lines will end the list. You can select multiple lines of text and make them a bullet list.
  • Blockquote (quotation mark icon): Clicking the blockquote button will transform the highlighted text into a blockquote.
  • Code (</>): Clicking the code button will transform the highlighted text into an inline code. This is useful when you want to share a single line of code.
  • Code Block (terminal icon): Clicking the code block button will transform the highlighted text into a code block. This is useful when you want to share a code snippet.
  • Color (pen icon): Clicking the color button will display a list of colors that will change the color of the text when selected.
The text formatting pop-up in the Content app on whop

Now that you know how you can fill out and format your Content app, let’s move on to the Preview as user tab.

Tab #2: Preview as user

As its name suggests, the Preview as user tab is what your whop’s members will see when they click on the app. Since the Content app is basically a document, they will only see the text inside it.

The Preview as user tab of the Content app in a whop

Tab #3: Access

The Access tab will allow you to see how users will be able to access the Content app on your whop. As with all whop apps, there are two access types:

  1. Free: Everyone on the internet will be able to access the Content app.
  2. Paid/Private: Only users with a certain product of your whop, which you determine, will be able to access the Content app.

If you haven’t created a product in your whop yet, you can do so by clicking on the Create Product button to open the product creation window and following the steps. You can change the access type at any time.

Create Content and Generate an Income with Whop

Everyone can create whops, which are amazing places to create content and sell access. People like you have been making over $1 million per year, and by utilizing the easy-to-use whops and their apps, you can do so, too.

If you want to create a whop and start earning money, then what are you waiting for? Signing up to Whop and starting selling takes less than 10 minutes.