The Truth

The Truth

25 Reviews

/5 stars
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25 days ago
From the moment I joined, I felt welcomed. Diego, Nav, etc do a fantastic job of fostering a safe and positive environment, ensuring that everyone feels respected and valued. The community is organized into various channels, with a clear stage structure, so it's impossible not to come out a better man.
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a month ago
Wow what a course. I haven’t even been in there for a month and already feel amazing, I love how everyone in the is on the same journey as me so everyone is pushing Each other, at least 2 times a week Diego himself does a live call where u can go on and ask questions in person, which is so rewarding, I couldn’t recommend this course any more it’s incredible
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a month ago
I joined The Truth on 22 april and I have seen the most change in my behaviour with women and my mindset towards rejection My favorite section of the course is the dating section Mods were very helpful and answered all of my questions instantly The course exceeded my expectations and I feel way more confident and on my mission than the man I was before